Sunday, August 28, 2005

$20 HU SNG plan

With my recently discovered strength in HU SNG's, I have decided to do a 50 game challenge for myself. I started on Friday night and after 10 games, the results look promising. I went to play some on Sunday and the tab says that there are no tables available, weird. Will have to work on my 1/2 instead, still having trouble at that level... (Update - managed to drop $50 over 179 hands, played tight and well, river after river defeat. Going to keep at it, UB 1/2 is still my daddy it seems. How long can variance run bad at a level, or should I just write that level off?)


Cash In/Cash Out




1 comment:

TripJax said...

I noticed the same problem last night too. I really wanted to play heads up and couldn't. Instead I played the ring games and got my ass handed to me.

Good luck with the final 40 games. Hope it goes well for you.